After the super success of Prati Roju Pandaage, Maruthi has been trying his best to lock the lead actor for his next film. He initially approached Ram but the young actor rejected the script. Maruthi is holding talks with Ravi Teja but the veteran actor has a bunch of films lined up. Maruthi felt that he will have to wait for a longer time to start his next if he teams up with Ravi Teja. Hence, he is currently holding talks with young actor Bellakonda Sreenivas.
The story discussions of the film kick-started recently. Bellamkonda Sreenivas loved the script and Maruthi wants the actor to join the sets from October and he is in plans to complete the shoot by December. Bellamkonda Sreenivas too is lined up with back to back films. He will have to complete the shoot of Alludu Adhurs first. The discussions are currently happening and things would be finalized in a week if Bellamkonda decides to go ahead or not. If he gives his nod, the project starts rolling from October. Maruthi has to do this project for UV Creations and GA2 Pictures.