Mass Maharaaj Ravi Teja will next be seen in an exciting film directed by Bhanu Bogavarapu, who was the writer of super hit film Samajavaragamana. The film titled Mass Jathara is bankrolled by Sai Soujanya and Naga Vamsi jointly. Sreeleela is the film’s leading lady. On the occasion of Ravi Teja’s birthday, makers dropped a mass treat for fans and audiences.
The glimpse serves as a true feast for fans, capturing vintage Ravi Teja’s mass in a powerful way. Thr glimpse filled with impeccable timing, explosive energy of Ravi Teja. The action and swag filled moments takes this to next level. Director Bhanu expertly taps into the mass pulse. With the thumping background score by Bheems Ceciroleo, the glimpse energy is amplified. Vidhu Ayyanna’s cinematography work is top notch. Nandu Savirigana’s sharp dialogues are major highlight. Mass Jathara glimpse promises a thrilling cinematic experience that fans are sure to celebrate in theatres.