Ram Charan’s latest offering Game Changer released today and the response has been mixed. The film also opened with average footfalls and numbers. The film’s director Shankar is getting trolled while the performance of Ram Charan as Appanna and Ram Nandan is receiving wide appreciation. The audience are lauding the flashback episode from the film and Ram Charan as Appanna is very good. Megastar Chiranjeevi took to his social media page to appreciate the performance of Ram Charan. He also appreciated the team for delivering Game Changer.
“Delighted to see lots of appreciation for @AlwaysRamCharan who excels as Appanna ,the righteous ideologue & Ram Nandan, the determined IAS officer out to cleanse the system. Hearty Congrats to @iam_SJSuryah @advani_kiara @yoursanjali, Producer #DilRaju @SVC_Official, above all Director @shankarshanmugh and the entire cast & crew for a topical and purposeful political drama. #GameChanger!” posted Megastar on his social media page.