The remunerations of star actors in Indian cinema have touched the skies. Top and successful actors are demanding more than Rs 100 crores in remuneration. It may be shocking but Allu Arjun has pocketed close to Rs 300 crores for his work in Pushpa 2: The Rule. All the top Tollywood stars like Prabhas, Mahesh Babu, Ram Charan, NTR and others are demanding triple digit remuneration. However, veteran actors like Chiranjeevi, Balakrishna, Venkatesh and Nagarjuna are far behind in remuneration.
Among the veteran stars, Chiranjeevi is on the top in taking a big remuneration. The top actor is now demanding Rs 75 crores remuneration for his upcoming movie that will be directed by Dasara fame Srikanth Odela. Sudhakar Cherukuri, the producer of this film has given his nod to pay Chiranjeevi his highest ever paycheque. Chiranjeevi also received a hefty advance for the film and the shoot commences in 2026. Before this, Chiranjeevi will complete an entertainer with Anil Ravipudi. This film hits the screens for Sankranthi 2026 and Megastar’s film with Srikanth Odela will roll after Sankranthi 2026. Meanwhile, Srikanth Odela will complete the shoot of ‘The Paradise’ and the film has Nani in the lead role.