Till now, the BJP has announced that Amit Shah, Yogi Adityanath and such leaders would campaign in the GHMC elections. But, all of a sudden, surprise news came out that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Hyderabad on November 29. The polling is going to be held on December 1.
Obviously, Modi’s visit is not planned as part of the election campaign. Reports say that the Prime Minister will be arriving in Hyderabad to take part in a programme relating to Bharat Biotech. Mr. Modi is all set to arrive in a special aircraft from Delhi at Hakimpet airport on that day. Arrangements are being made for this.
As is evident, political temperatures have already reached a peak. The TRS and the BJP are making mutual allegations like never before. The MIM comments on PV and NTR Ghats have changed the total course of electioneering now. The Congress and the TDP were also making all out efforts to make their presence felt.
Amid this, the Prime Minister’s visit is being seen as a clear strategy of the BJP to enhance the winning chances of its nominees in the GHMC elections.
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