Veteran actor Mohan Babu has been facing charges in attacking a tv journalist in his Jalpally residence in Hyderabad some days ago. Several cases have been registered and Mohan Babu remained unavailable. His bail petitions and interim bail plans have been rejected in the Telangana High Court. With the fear of arrest, Mohan Babu has been unavailable for the past few days. He is said to have approached the Supreme Court challenging the decision of the Telangana High Court regarding his bail plea. The Supreme Court is expected to announce its verdict soon.
Earlier, Mohan Babu’s son Manchu Manoj approached the cops saying that he has life threat from his family after which a series of incidents took place. While Manoj was locked outside, media approached the Jalpally residence of Mohan Babu after which the veteran actor staged an attack. The journalist was severely injured and Mohan Babu issued a public apology and met the journalist in the hospital. The cops filed cases against Mohan Babu for his rude behaviour and the case is currently under investigation.