The family issues in the Manchu family are becoming bigger and bigger. The issue started in Hyderabad’s Jalpally and reached MB University in Tirupati. Mohan Babu and his family have celebrated Sankranthi along with the students from the past few days. Manoj and his wife Mounika have reached MB University yesterday and they have been restricted. Manoj clarified that he is here to offer prayers for his late grandparents and view Jallikattu. The cops have taken them inside despite restrictions.
Mohan Babu has the information that Manoj will fly to Tirupati and he bagged the court orders in advance. Now, Mohan Babu has filed a case against Manoj for entering into the premises when there are court orders issued. He also hired bouncers for private security. Manoj said that he also played a crucial role in the journey of MB University. He also has support from some of the students from the university. He decided to stay away from controversies and completed his work yesterday.
But Mohan Babu has filed a case against Manoj. The issue is getting murkier everyday. The family has to sit down, settle all the issues before it becomes a hot topic again.