The entire Telugu states are now aware about the rift between Mohan Babu and his younger son Manoj. Last night Mohan Babu filed a complaint against Manoj and his wife Mounika that they have turned a threat to him. Soon, Manoj released a statement about what all happened. Manoj has been staying away from Mohan Babu’s family for the past few years. He battled depression after divorce and he got married to Mounika again. Manchu Vishnu who has been staying with Mohan Babu from the past few years has moved to Dubai with his family members recently. Then Manoj was invited to Mohan Babu’s residence upon the pressure from Manoj’s mother.
Soon, differences cropped up several times and they reached the police station finally. Manoj and Mohan Babu are at loggerheads currently. There have been disputes about the family properties and Manoj argues that he was not quite interested in the properties or assets. He also claimed that Vishnu has been misusing the family money. Though he had a chance to produce his own films, Manoj hasn’t done that in the recent times and he was idle without work in Tollywood. Manoj also made serious allegations on Mohan Babu over the dispute of the nannies in their residence. Manoj also said that he was open for a family discussion to resolve the issues but the meeting never happened.
Instead of sorting it in their residence, the Manchu family matter reached out to all the corners. Vishnu returned back from Dubai and Manchu Lakshmi is back from Mumbai. We have to wait to see what happens next.