Mohanlal, a renowned actor and former president of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), recently resigned from his position amidst growing sexual assault allegations in the Malayalam film industry. His resignation, along with the entire 17-member executive committee, came after the release of the Hema Committee report, which revealed widespread sexual exploitation in the industry. Mohanlal, who was present at the launch of the Kerala Cricket League in Thiruvananthapuram, welcomed the Hema Committee report, stating that it was the right decision by the government to release the report. He acknowledged that he had appeared before the committee twice. Mohanlal emphasized that the entire Malayalam cinema must be accountable to the Hema Committee report and that AMMA cannot be held responsible for all the questions raised. He recognized that the industry is hardworking and involves many people, but not everyone should be blamed for the wrongdoings. Mohanlal stated that the involved individuals will be punished.

Mohanlal suggested that junior artists should form an association, and explained that they usually have agencies to represent them. He declined to answer questions, stating that the Kerala police and government are investigating the matter and that the law will be applied to those involved. Mohanlal urged people not to damage the industry and addressed criticism about the management of AMMA, saying that those with concerns should participate in the upcoming election process. He acknowledged that there are disagreements within AMMA and promised appropriate action, including an election. Regarding the alleged “power group,” Mohanlal claimed he is not aware of its existence and is not a part of it, and he has not read the Hema Committee report.

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