YouTuber Praneeth Hanumanthu has been arrested after his derogatory comments on the relationship between a father and daughter went viral. The outrage has been huge across social media and Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy announced swift and immediate action. The Hyderabad cops nabbed Praneeth Hanumanthu from Bengaluru and produced him in a Hyderabad court. The investigation is going on after the court granted custody of Praneeth Hanumanthu. The YouTuber landed into further troubles as his blood samples had traces of drugs.

Praneeth Hanumanthu consumed ganja as per the investigation. He is booked in other cases after the ongoing investigation. Praneeth Hanumanthu is kept in Chanchalguda jail after he was booked under Section 67B of the IT Act, Section 79 of the IT Act, Section 294 of IPC and POCSO Act. Praneeth Hanumanthu is now booked under the NDPS Act for consuming drugs.

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