BJP’s firebrand MP Dharmapuri Aravind walked into a political controversy yet again. This time, he passed ultimate comments against Power Star and Jana Senani Pawan Kalyan himself. During a TV interview, Aravind straightaway said that the BJP had no alliance with anybody including Jana Sena. The BJP can win and sweep the GHMC elections and also the next Telangana Assembly elections singlehandedly.
The BJP MP went to say that it was Pawan Kalyan who made a statement to support the BJP candidates. Pawan is just like any other leader who got attracted to the dynamic leadership of PM Modi. Nothing else. There is no alliance and no need for an alliance with the Jana Sena.
Stunned and shocked at these insults from the MP today and from Prakash Raj yesterday, the BJP Telangana incharge Nemuri Sankar Goud issued a prompt statement demanding apologies from the BJP leader.
Sankar Gound pointed out that it was only after Kishan Reddy and K. Laxman met and requested for Pawan Kalyan support that the Jana Sena began campaigning for the BJP. In fact, the Jana Sena prepared to field over candidates in 60 divisions. Some of them even filed nominations but withdrew the same after the BJP made a request not to divide the votes.
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