Director Ravi Kumar Chowdary worked with Gopichand before, Gopichand recalls his association. “We worked for Yagnam and his clarity in explaining and executing the story remains the same. Here the story was written by Sreedhar and later Ravi Kumar came onto the board. He came in, registered it perfectly and executed it the way it ought to be. There is a certain comfort level when you work with him, he has great memory power and clarity, he is the same as he was ten years back. The story is apt for me,” he adds. On the personal front, Gopichand cannot ask for more. He says he rushes home from shootings to play with his son 13 month old son Virat Krishna who is his bundle of joy. “At the moment I am confident about this film, I am sure it will be a great time to end the year with,” he signs off…Y.S.C
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