The Mumbai Police are investigating an incident that occurred at the Galaxy Theatre in Bandra during the screening of the highly anticipated movie Pushpa 2: The Rule. According to eyewitnesses, the movie was paused for approximately 15-20 minutes after the interval due to an unidentified person reportedly spraying a substance, which caused coughing, throat irritation, and vomiting among the audience members. Moviegoers described their experiences, stating that they began coughing and vomiting after returning from the interval, and the smell persisted for 10-15 minutes until the doors were opened. The police are currently on-site conducting an investigation.
Pushpa 2: The Rule opened on a super strong note across North India. The film emerged as the biggest opener in the country surpassing several Bollywood biggies. Directed by Sukumar, Pushpa 2: The Rule has Allu Arjun, Rashmika, Fahadh Faasil, Sunil, Anasuya and Ajay playing the lead roles. Mythri Movie Makers bankrolled this mega budget mass entertainer.