In politics coups are common, even though they is no guarantee of success. There are three important coups in the post-independence history. The first one was led by Dr Marri Chennareddy against Indira Gandhi demanding Telangana state which led to the formation Telangana Praja Samiti. The TPS contested the polls, and won ten out of 14 Lok Sabha seats.Another successful coup was led by N Chandrababu Naidu against his father in law NTR in 1994. He was success and still basking in the glory of that coup. The devastating coup of Telugu politics was the one led Nadendla Bhaskar Rao in 1984. An astute politician, a man of vast understanding and able administrator, Rao was victim more of growing anti-Congresses in the country rather than his own failure. The success of the coup was short lived following a nationwide uproar. After that there was no patch up between the TDP and Bhaskar Rao.
Interestingly, TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu is learnt to have invited the former chief minister to Amaravati foundation stone laying ceremony. He dispatched former APCOB chairm TD Janardhan Rao to the residence of Rao in Hyderabad to deliver the invite. Rao reportedly refused to take the invite in person and asked Janardhan, a senior TDP leader , to deliver the card to the watch man at the main gate. Bhaskar Rao , it appears, is not ready to bury hatchet with Chandrababu Naidu.
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