The Assembly session is over in Andhra Pradesh. The ruling YCP and the CM did not give any chance to Chandrababu Naidu in the House. The TDP staged protests, walkouts and held press conferences outside most of the time. Now, YCP firebrand MP Vijay Sai Reddy came as usual like the police officer who comes towards the end of the cinema and fires his pistol. Vijay Sai appeared after the end of session and fired his salvo at the TDP chief.
Vijay Sai cautioned that Naidu could no longer hide behind his party favourable media and that he would have to face genuine criticism from the people. All these days, Naidu spent his time in Zoom internet meetings without directly meeting the people. Similarly, Naidu also spent most of his time outside the Assembly during the session.
When Naidu was asking for mike in the House, the ruling YCP and the Speaker did not give much attention to him. When the TDP chief staged walkouts, the YCP accused him of running away from the debates in the House.
The recent session was indeed a big shock to many though it was a short one. Not a single day witnessed a cordial debate between the ruling and the opposition benches.
Shraddha Srinath at Daaku Maharaaj Success Press Meet