Chief minister Chandrababu Naidu condemned the killing of party leader and Chittoor mayor Anuradha, who fell victim to the bullets of anonymous miscreants on Tuesday morning. The CM said this was an inhuman act against a woman. The miscreants barged into the municipal office at noon, overpowering the staff and attacked her. First she was shot at from the point blank range. Later, the masked miscreants attacked husband Katari Mohan with knives. He was also injured. Mohan has been shifted to the Vellore hospital for treatment. His condition is said to be critical. Immediately after the attack police shifted the couple to a local hospital, Anuradha reportedly died while on the way to the hospital. Police said the assailants pumped bullets from close quarters. Some say the assailants entered the office wearing burqas.
Police sources said the ghastly incident was the results of a previous enmity. Mohan was accused in an attempt to the murder case. The attempt was made on former MLA CK Babu, another TDP leader years back. For quite some time Mohan had been underground. He surfaced in Chittoor following her wife’s election as mayor. Mohan also contested Assembly election unsuccessfully in past.
Reacting on the incident, chief minister Naidu expressed shock at the attack on a old woman.” This is hardcore factionism. Some people are trying to create panic and scare among the public with the attacks of this type. This is highly reprehensible. I condemn it strongly,” he said.
Assuring that whoever mighty be behind this incident and howsoever big they might be, Naidu said, they would be brought to book.
” Some people wearing a mask of politics are promoting this type of culture. They inherited this murder culture from their ancestors. This is not good for the society,” he said.
” On one side smugglers and on the other perpetrators of law and order problems- wrecking the system. We will put an to these type activities. We will deal with them with iron hand,” he said.
Two people had surrendered, the CM said.
“Investigation is going. The rest of the culprits will be arrested and punished,” he said adding there was no place for culture of murder in the public life. All the attackers are identified as fro Karnataka.
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