For long, the TDP in Vijayawada was hit with group politics within party.

The internal wranglings within party in Vijayawada between TDP Vijayawada Lok Sabha member Keseneni Nani and TDP leaders Buddha Venkanna, Nagulmeera adversely affected the party in various elections as both the groups tried to gain upper hand by openly indulging in war of words causing embarrassment to party leadership.

Finally, TDP president and former AP CM N.Chandrababu Naidu stepped in to end this political infighting in Vijayawada TDP.

Naidu preferred Kesineni Nani over Venkanna and Nagulmeera.

Naidu appointed Nani as party’s incharge for Vijayawada West Assembly constituency. He gave full powers to Nani to constitute his own divisional-level committees of the party in Vijayawada West.

Venkanna also vied for this post but Naidu rejected him. Naidu even allowed to scrap the division-level party committee constituted by Venkanna and Nagulmeera earlier.

The TDP leaders and cadre in Vijayawada now got full clarity over Vijayawada West constituency after a long uncertainty due to internal wranglings in TDP.

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