Creative filmmaker Krishna Vamsi desperately needs a huge hit and he pinned all his hopes on Nakshatram which is touted to be a mass and action entertainer. Sundeep Kishan, Regina Cassandra, Sai Dharamtej, Pragya Jaiswal and Prakashraj essayed the lead roles in this movie. Made on a massive budget, the music and trailers received thumping response from the audience. The movie completed all the censor formalities yesterday and the movie has been awarded U/A certificate.

The movie has been aimed for July 28th release however the release of the movie has now been pushed to August 4th. The makers are in plans for a comfortable release because of which the movie has been pushed further. Bheems Ceciroleo, Bharat Madhusudhan and Hari Gowra composed the music. Sri Chakra Media and Butta Bomma Creations bankrolled the movie.

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