Nandamuri Balakrishna along with Tamil actor Ajith and Kannada actor Anant Nag hav been conferred with Padma Bhushan, the third-highest civilian award. The Padma Awards 2025 was announced on January 25th. The announcement was made before the Republic Day 2025. Tollywood congratulated Balakrishna after the announcement and Twitter is flooded with congratulatory posts. Ajith is the fifth Tamil actor after Sivaji Ganeshan, Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan and Vijaykanth to receive Padma Bhushan.
Yesteryear actress Shobana too is announced for Padma Bhushan award. Director Shekhar Kapur too has been awarded with Padma Bhushan. Late novelist and screenwriter MT Vasudevan Nair too has been awarded with the same. Here is the complete list of Padma Bhushan awards for the year 2025:
A Surya Prakash
Anant Nag
Bibek Debroy
Jatin Goswami
Jose Chacko Periappuram
Kailash Nath Dikshit
Manohar Joshi
Nalli Kuppuswami Chetti
Nandamuri Balakrishna
PR Sreejesh
Pankaj Patel
Pankaj Udhas
Rambahadur Rai
Sadhvi Ritambhara
S Ajith Kumar
Shekhar Kapur
Shobana Chandrakumar
Sushil Kumar Modi
Vinod Dham
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