Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Daaku Maharaaj released yesterday and the film is running with packed houses. Balakrishna’s performance along with the background score and the cinematography work are widely appreciated. This is the fourth consecutive hit for Balakrishna after Akhanda, Veera Simha Reddy and Bhagavath Kesari. Thaman is the music director for all the four films and his background score is an asset for all the projects. For Daaku Maharaaj, Thaman’s score is an asset. Nandamuri fans are lauding the efforts and work of Thaman.
The young composer heaped praise on the film and expressed his confidence on Daaku Maharaaj even before the release. Twitter and other social media circles are left with appreciation messages for Thaman. Nandamuri fans are thanking him for the support and his work. Daaku Maharaaj is a mass entertainer loaded with emotional stuff directed by Bobby Kolli. Balakrishna’s roaring performance is appreciated. S Naga Vamsi is the producer.