Telugu360 was the first to break out the news that Nani has shelved two films: one with Balagam Venu and the other with Sujeeth. He is now on a holiday to the USA to spend time with his family members for a month. He is done with the shoot of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram and the film is announced for August 29th release. Nani decided to take up the shoot of HIT 3 this year. Nani has given his nod for the script narrated by Sailesh Kolanu and the film will be announced next month after Nani arrives back from the USA. Nani will play the role of Arjun Sarkaar IPS and the shoot commences this year.

Nani’s Wallposter Cinema will produce HIT 3 and the film will be made on a strict budget. It is unclear if there is any production house collaborating for the film. A major portion of the shoot will take place in Kashmir. Sailesh Kolanu is giving final touches for the script of HIT 3. The female lead and the other actors are currently finalized. Nani will also start shooting for Srikanth Odela’s film this year. Sudhakar Cherukuri will produce this prestigious project.

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