In a heartwarming move, Andhra Pradesh Minister Nara Lokesh has once again stepped forward to help a woman from Sri Sathya Sai district who was trapped in a dire situation in Qatar. The woman, who had gone to Qatar in search of employment, faced severe hardships at the hands of her employers. She shared her ordeal through a selfie video, which eventually reached Minister Lokesh.
Nara Lokesh’s Swift Action
Minister Nara Lokesh has been actively supporting Gulf victims, especially those who fall prey to fraudulent agents while seeking better opportunities abroad. Since the TDP-led government came into power, Lokesh, along with the NRI wing of TDP, has been working tirelessly to rescue such victims and reunite them with their families.
This time, the victim, Rashida from Kadiri, had traveled to Qatar last month for work. However, her employers subjected her to extreme difficulties, leaving her in unbearable conditions. Despite her family sending money twice for her flight tickets, the agents and employers did not cooperate. In desperation, Rashida’s family shared her WhatsApp video detailing her struggles with Nara Lokesh.
Timely Intervention
Responding promptly, Nara Lokesh contacted officials in Qatar and ensured Rashida’s safe return. She boarded a flight on Saturday night and reached Hyderabad by Sunday morning, eventually making her way back to Kadiri. In a heartfelt video, Rashida expressed her gratitude to Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu and Nara Lokesh for their timely help.
Nara Lokesh’s efforts have brought hope to many families whose loved ones face exploitation in Gulf countries. His proactive approach, combined with the support of the TDP NRI wing, has already rescued dozens of victims and reunited them with their families.