The Indian government announced the winners of the 68th National Awards for Indian films. Suriya’s Soorarai Pottru bagged many awards and is the winner of the evening. Soorarai Pottru bagge five awards. Suriya is the named as the Best Actor and Aparna Balamurali is named as the Best Actress. Soorarai Pottru is also the Best Feature Film in Tamil and GV Prakash bagged the Best Music Director award for background score. The film also won an award in the Best Screenplay category. Tollywood film Colour Photo bagged the National Award as the Best Feature Film for Telugu.
Another Tollywood film Natyam won two National Awards for the Best Choreography (Sandhya Raju) and Best Makeup Artist (Rambabu). Top music composer Thaman is the Best Music Director of the year for his remarkable work for Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo. Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn also bagged the Best Actor award for Tanhaji along with Suriya for Soorarai Pottru. Malayalam film Ayyappanum Koshiyum which was a smashing hit bagged four awards. The film’s director Sachy who passed away won the National Award as the Best Director. Biju Menon is named as the Best Supporting Actor.
Nanjamma is the Best Playback Singer for the film and Mafia Sasi is the Best Stunt Choreographer. Marathi film Funeral is the Best Film that is made on Social Issues and Sumi is the Best Children’s Film. Malayalam film Kappela bagged National Award for the Best Production Design.