Nandamuri Balakrishna has commenced the shoot of his most awaited movie Akhanda 2 recently. Boyapati Sreenu is the director and the shoot commenced with an action episode in a special set erected in Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad. An introduction fight on Balakrishna under the supervision of fight masters Ram Laxman has been shot for 12 days in the set. This is one of the major highlights of the film. After a small break, the new schedule of Akhanda 2 has commenced recently and the talkie part is under shoot.
Balakrishna is juggling between the sets of Akhanda 2 and Unstoppable. Boyapati Sreenu and his team have been on a hunt for the right antagonist in the film. A couple of Bollywood actors are considered and the actor will be finalized very soon. Pragya Jaiswal is reprising her role in Akhanda 2 and Thaman is on board as the music composer. Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta are the producers while Balakrishna’s daughter Tejaswini Nandamuri is presenting the film. Akhanda 2 is announced for Dasara 2025 release.