Top actress Nayanthara inked a deal with Netflix for her life story titled Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale. The documentary is streaming on Netflix. Leave about the response, the documentary brought a lot of problems for the actress. Tamil actor Dhanush slapped a legal notice demanding Rs 10 crores for using the content from his production Naanum Rowdy Dhaan. Nayanthara is facing legal problems and the case is currently under investigation in the court.
Now, the makers of Chandramukhi have initiated legal proceedings for using the clips from the film without their consent. They are demanding Rs 5 crores as compensation. The actress is yet to respond for the actions of Chandramukhi producers. Earlier, Nayanthara issued a public statement against Dhanush and made serious claims. On the whole, Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale brought her so many legal challenges.