Nagarjuna’s upcoming film Manmadhudu 2 is releasing next month and is carrying decent expectations. Rahul Ravindran directed this breezy romantic drama and Rakul Preet Singh played the female lead. Digital giant Netflix acquired the digital streaming rights of Manmadhudu 2 for a record price of Rs 7.4 crores. This is the highest pick among Nag’s films and the satellite, other deals are yet to be closed.
The theatrical rights of Manmadhudu 2 too are picked up for decent prices. With Saaho’s exit from Independence Day race, Manmadhudu 2 will have ample space to perform if the film generates positive buzz. Chaitan Bharadwaj composed the music and Samantha, Keerthy Suresh will surprise in special cameos. Nagarjuna himself along with Gemini Kiran bankrolled Manmadhudu 2 and the film releases on August 9th.