In a significant ceremony at the Andhra Pradesh High Court, two new additional judges were sworn in today. Chief Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur administered the oath to Justice Hariharanath Sharma and Justice Dr. Yadavalli Lakshmana Rao. With this appointment, the total number of judges in the High Court has now reached 30, though the sanctioned strength is 37.
The swearing-in ceremony was held in the presence of senior judicial officials and marked the formal induction of the two new judges. Both judges bring extensive legal experience and expertise to their new roles.
Justice Hariharanath Sharma hails from Kurnool district. He completed his B.Sc. from Osmania University and pursued law at VR Law College in Nellore. Enrolled as an advocate in 1994, he began his legal practice in Kurnool district courts under the guidance of senior advocate Ramakrishna Rao. He started his independent practice in 1998 and was appointed as District Judge in October 2007. Over the years, he served as Principal District Judge in Anantapur (2017-18) and as Public Prosecutor in Visakhapatnam (2020-22). He also held positions as High Court Registrar in 2022 and Director of AP Judicial Academy in 2023.
Justice Dr. Yadavalli Lakshmana Rao is from Prakasam district. He studied law at VR Law College in Nellore, where he excelled in Criminal Law and Company Law. Enrolled as an advocate in 2000, he practiced in Prakasam, Nellore, and Kavali districts. He completed his post-graduation from Nagarjuna University and earned a Ph.D. from Andhra University. Joining the Judicial Service in 2014, he began his career as an Additional District Judge in Eluru. He served in various capacities across the state, including as Public Prosecutor in Krishna district. He was appointed as High Court Registrar in September 2021 and later as Registrar General in October 2022.
The appointment of these two judges is a step toward addressing the shortage of judges in the Andhra Pradesh High Court. With their vast experience and dedication, Justice Sharma and Justice Rao are expected to contribute significantly to the judiciary’s efficiency and effectiveness.