Actress Nidhhi Agerwal filed a complaint with the cybercrime police about an individual harassing her on social media. In the complaint, Nidhhi stated that the person was posting threatening comments, including messages about killing her. She said the individual was targeting both her and her loved ones, causing significant distress. Nidhhi mentioned that the threats were putting her under immense mental pressure and requested legal action against the accused. The cybercrime police have accepted her complaint and are investigating the matter. Niddhi’s case is not the only one, as other actors have also filed complaints against trolls and miscreants on social media. Niddhi’s complaint comes after actors like Adivi Sesh and Sreeleela supported the government’s campaign to not spread hate on social media, making her case a high-profile one.
Nidhhi has a busy schedule in 2025, with two highly anticipated films, ‘Hari Hara Veera Mallu’ with Pawan Kalyan and ‘The Raja Saab’ with Prabhas, as well as negotiations for a few exciting projects in both Telugu and Tamil. She posted an eye-catching image on social media that generated a lot of interest. Dressed in a stylish outfit, she exuded sophistication and appeal. She seamlessly carried off the western-inspired look, captivating her followers with the stunning photos she posted on Instagram.