Young actor Nikhil Siddhartha is a married man and he commenced the shoot of his upcoming project 18 Pages recently. The actor gifted himself a swanky black Range Rover and posed with his new beast. “New Range Rover Sport Autobiography. Was supposed to gift myself for the success of Arjun Suravaram. COVID made it come a little late” posted Nikhil on his official social media page. Apart from 18 Pages, Nikhil signed Karthikeya 2 that will roll during the second half of this year.
New Range Rover Sport Autobiography…
Was supposed to gift myself for the success of Arjun Suravaram… COVID made it come a little late… #rangeroversport #autobiography #rangerover— Nikhil Siddhartha (@actor_Nikhil) January 24, 2021