Nikhil Maliyakkal, the talented South Indian television actor, made history by winning Bigg Boss Telugu Season 8. The grand finale saw him triumph over Gautham Krishna, taking home the prestigious trophy and a substantial prize of ₹50 lakhs. Global Star Ram Charan added star power to the event by announcing the winner.
Background and Career Journey
Originally from Mysore, Karnataka, Nikhil’s path to stardom began unexpectedly. Before entering the entertainment industry, he worked as a Business Development Executive. His acting journey started with the Kannada film ‘Ooty’ in 2016, marking his movie debut. Nikhil later gained significant recognition through his role in the Telugu serial ‘Gorintaku’ in 2019, establishing him in Telugu television.
The Bigg Boss Journey
Entering the Bigg Boss house on September 1, 2024, Nikhil faced intense competition among 15 contestants. Despite the season being hosted by the charismatic Nagarjuna and promising “unlimited twists,” viewers initially felt it lacked the excitement of previous seasons. However, the finale episode delivered exceptional entertainment and suspense.
Personal Life
Known for his love of animals, particularly his pet dog, the unmarried actor from Mysore showed remarkable resilience throughout the show. His ability to handle conflicts gracefully while maintaining strong relationships in the house earned him a loyal fan following.
Social Media Impact
Nikhil’s popularity soared during his Bigg Boss stint, with hashtags #BiggBossTelugu8 and #NikhilMaliyakkal trending across social media platforms. Fans praised his consistent performance and strategic gameplay throughout the season.
Future Prospects
Nikhil’s career looks promising as a Bigg Boss winner and established television actor. His victory opened new opportunities for him in Telugu television and cinema.