CM Jaganmohan Reddy, after coming to power, started targetting alleged corruption during the previous TDP government. Now the opposition Telugu Desam Party leaders gave a strong counter. They told Jagan to go ahead, dig up the hill and use all his energy but he won’t be able to catch a rat and not even a fly or a mosquito. The TDP leaders say that former CM Chandrababu Naidu was known all over the world for his clean and efficient administration.
Naidu clarified to party leaders that the efforts of YCP to attack TDP would only backfire on that party. It is a fact that the ruling YCP leaders are trying to indulge in mud-slinging which would only hurt them eventually.
TDP deputy leader in assembly K. Atchannaidu said that their party has full records of how some YCP leaders have criticised Jagan for his corruption during his father YSR regime. Prior to 2019 elections, Jagan made claims of Rs. 6 lakh crore corruption in the TDP rule but now he is asking the officials to dig into the records. Were all those huge corruption allegations falsely made? If Jagan talks about corruption, it will only create problems for him because of his past track record and those of his followers now.
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