Maverick Ram Gopal Varma who is out of track has been struggling to release Lakshmi’s NTR in Andhra Pradesh. After YS Jagan’s thundering victory in the recent polls, RGV left him in heaps of praises though he predicted that Pawan Kalyan would turn the next CM of the state. He also took a dig on TDP Supremo Nara Chandra Babu Naidu through his murky twitter posts. Finally, Lakshmi’s NTR released on Friday across Andhra Pradesh in decent number of screens.
It may not be a surprise but Lakshmi’s NTR failed to register even minimum box-office numbers. RGV used YS Jagan to the fullest and his pictures made presence on the publicity material across the towns. But those too could not bring audience to the theatres across Andhra Pradesh. RGV’s poor publicity stunts went into vain. Lakshmi’s NTR will end up as one more disaster for RGV and will struggle to complete a week’s run in the state. Suriya’s NGK and Falaknuma Das registered some decent numbers at the Tollywood box-office which released this Friday despite of getting poor response..