The Telangana Assembly decided to meet on Saturday and Sunday as well to transact the business before it. This decision has been taken in lieu of opposition party’s demand for the extension of session for few more days. Congress, the principal opposition party, wanted, as the winter session could not be conducted, extension of the session. As per the present schedule the session will go up to March 29 which works out to 16 working days.
Now, it is decided that the Assembly transact the business on Saturday and Sunday also and an option to extend two more days kept open.
The decision was taken in the Business Advisory Committee of the legislature presided by Speaker S. Madhusudana Chary and attended by Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao and Leader of Opposition K. Jana Reddy.
But, Assembly will be closed on March 15, 23, 24 and 25. The House will take up motion of thanks to the Governor’s address on March 12 and 13 and budget presentation on March 14. It will be a holiday the next day.