A heap of films released every Friday in the month of November and the month is the most disappointing one for Telugu cinema. Nikhil’s long delayed film Appudo Ippudo Eppudo released on November 8th and the film failed to report minimum openings. The film is declared as the biggest flop in Nikhil’s career. Suriya has dedicated two years on Kanguva and the pan-Indian attempt has been declared as a debacle. The film also ended up as a huge flop in Tamil. Varun Tej who has been struggling for success has delivered one more disaster with Matka. The film’s closing numbers are the lowest among all the Varun Tej’s films.
Vishwak Sen has been doing back-to-back films and he is falling short of a solid hit in his career. He pinned many hopes on Mechanic Rocky and promoted the film on all platforms. In a surprise, the film also failed to report minimum openings. Mechanic Rocky is the poorest film for Vishwak Sen as per the closing numbers. Mahesh Babu’s nephew Ashok Galla’s second film Devaki Nanddana Vasudeva also released on the same day and the film was rejected badly by the audience. Shows for the film are cancelled on day one. Satyadev’s Zebra opened on a low note but the word of mouth made the film survive. On the whole, November is a washout for Telugu cinema.