Veteran director K Raghavendra Rao is all set to remake his yesteryear blockbuster film Pelli Sandadi. He will supervise the project and Pelli SandaD will be directed by Gowri Ronanki. Srikanth’s son Roshan will play the lead role in this romantic family entertainer. The makers released the look of Roshan. The youngster transformed himself and looks stylish, cute in the clicks. He played the lead role in Nirmala Convent some time ago and he is now grown up.
Pelli SandaD seems to be a perfect launchpad for Roshan. The regular shoot of Pelli SandaD starts soon. MM Keeravani is composing the music and RK Film Associates along with Arka Media Works will produce the film. Pelli SandaD will release next year.
K Krishna Mohan Rao & @ArkaMediaWorks present,
A RK film associates Production… #PelliSandaDMeet our hero, Roshan..
An @MMKeeravaani Musical..Direction Supervision @Ragavendraraoba…
Directed by Gowri Ronanki
Shoot begins soon…
— Arka Mediaworks (@arkamediaworks) October 26, 2020