Indian documentary film titled ‘Period: End of sentence” won Oscar in the prestigious 91st Oscar festival held at Los Angeles. This documentary featured the issues of menstrual problems faced by girls in various parts of India. The 25-minute long documentary was screened in Hapur, Uttar Pradesh.
The story of this documentary is how the women from this region lead a quiet revolution. They fight against the deep-rooted stigma of menstruation and learn to make biodegradable napkins and helped other women by selling those napkins at lower prices. This documentary is directed by Rayka Zehtabchi and produced by famous producer Guneet Monga.
After receiving the award, director Rayka expressed how happy she was for winning an Oscar for projecting the general problem faced by women. “I can’t believe a film about menstruation just won an Oscar!!!’ joked Rayka.
Even though many Indian films are nominated for Oscar, the result is disappointing. But this documentary created history by winning the prestigious Oscar award. Producer Guneet Monga tweeted on her Twitter “We won!!! To every girl on this earth…. know that you are a goddess… if heavens are listening… look MA we put @Sikhya on the map.”