As announced earlier Kalamata Venkataramana Murthy, YSRCP MLA from Patapatnam, Srikakulam district, joined the TDP. In the presence of TDP Andhra Pradesh president Kala Venkatarao, social welfare minister Ravela Kishore Babu, Youth affairs minister Atchannaidu, Venkataramana called on party president and chief minister Chandrababu Naidu today at his camp office Vijayawada. Naidu invited him into the party by offering Yellow Kanduva. With this the number of YSRCP MLAs that ditched party president Jaganmohan Reddy to join TDP reached nine-eight MLAs and one MLC. He said later, he was joining the party only for the development of the constituency. He claimed he belonged to the TDP originally and had to join YSRCP under some special circumstances. His father also accompanied him.
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