Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan took strong exception to the ruling YSR Congress leaders for making objectionable comments against the Jana Sena vehicle, Varahi. He wondered if all rules were only for the Jana Sena and Pawan Kalyan! It may be recalled that YSR Congress MLA and former minister Perni Nani had raised objections over the colour of the vehicle. He said that the olive-green colour was given to the military vehicles and the use of the same colour by civilians is objectionable. He said that the Indian Motor Vehicles Act prohibits the use of olive-green colour vehicles by the civilians and the transport department would check the rule position. He said that the make of the vehicle and its registration are also to be verified by the transport authority officials. Perni Nani also sought to advise the Jana Sena chief to give yellow paint to the vehicle as he would be going in alliance with the TDP. He said that Pawan Kalyan did not announce the alliance as Prime Minister Narendra Modi had advised him to stay with the BJP. However, Perni Nani said that the Jana Sena chief would certainly go with the TDP and work for Chandrababu Naidu. Reacting strongly to these comments, Pawan Kalyan tweeted on his twitter handle asking whether the YSR Congress leaders want him to breathe or not. He also posed several questions to the YSR Congress leadership asking them to tell him what colour dresses he should wear and what sizes he should wear. He said that the YSR Congress leaders were focusing only on silly things while indulging in corruption. The car companies and the garments companies were running away from the state because of the harassment by the YSR Congress leaders, the Jana Sena chief alleged. He sought to advise the ruling party leaders to focus on development of the state rather than focusing on Jana Sena. He said that the Varahi would finish the YSR Congress regime in the coming elections
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