In an unfortunate incident, two youngsters lost their lives when they were returning to their homes after the completion of the Game Changer pre-release event in Rajahmundry. The news saw light this morning and the film’s producer Dil Raju announced a financial help of Rs 5 lakhs each for the families of the deceased. AP Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan too announced Rs 5 lakhs each for the families this afternoon. Both Dil Raju and Pawan Kalyan expressed their grief for the families after the incident.
The grand pre-release event of Game Changer took place on the evening of January 4th and huge crowds gathered for the event. Pawan Kalyan was the guest of the evening. Game Changer features Ram Charan and Kiara Advani in the lead roles and the social drama packed with action is directed by Shankar. Dil Raju is the producer and Game Changer releases on January 10th across the globe.