Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu made significant announcements during his visit to Yallamanda village in Palnadu district today. During a pension distribution event, he revealed plans to revolutionize farming with drone technology. “We’re introducing drones to help farmers reduce costs and increase income,” said Naidu, acknowledging that farmers face the highest debt burden in society. He promised to continue government support to ease their financial struggles.
Chandrababu Naidu took a personal approach by distributing pensions directly to beneficiaries at their doorsteps. He emphasized that his government monitors pension distribution through GPS tracking and drone surveillance to ensure proper delivery to every eligible recipient. “I came here to understand your problems and share your burdens,” Naidu told villagers, warning of strict action against officials who fail to deliver pensions at beneficiaries’ homes.
Reflecting on governance, Chandrababu Naidu criticized the previous YSRCP government’s five-year rule, stating that companies had abandoned the state during that period. He assured citizens that businesses are now returning to Andhra Pradesh, signaling economic recovery. Chandrababu Naidu also promised strong action against social media abuse targeting women, emphasizing his commitment to public safety.
In a touching moment during his visit, Chandrababu Naidu shared the story of Saramma, whose husband succumbed to COVID-19 in 2021. Demonstrating his commitment to supporting grieving families, he announced educational support for her daughter’s NEET coaching and approved a ₹3 lakh loan for her son’s education.
“With 90 lakh party members, we’ll never forget those who worked for the party’s growth,” Chandrababu Naidu concluded, reinforcing his dedication to public service and Andhra Pradesh development.