Former Andhra Pradesh YSRCP Minister Perni Nani is facing mounting legal challenges as authorities launch an investigation into illegal sand mining at his warehouse site. The Mining Department has received complaints alleging unauthorized sand removal during the construction of his family’s warehouses in Pottlapalem, Machilipatnam.
According to AP Mining Department estimates, approximately 31,000 tractor loads of sand were illegally transported from the site. The Nani family had purchased about 7.5 acres of agricultural land, using 6 acres to construct two warehouses. Mining officials have calculated that roughly 94,000 cubic meters of sand was removed during construction, potentially leading to fines of up to Rs 6 crore, calculated at Rs 2,000 per tractor load.
The sand mining allegations come amid an ongoing ration rice scandal. Perni Nani’s wife, Jaya Sudha, has paid only Rs 1.70 crore of the total Rs 3.37 crore fine imposed in the missing ration rice case. Despite the deadline set by JC Geetanjali Sharma, an outstanding balance of Rs 1.67 crore remains unpaid.
AP Mining Department in-charge Srinivas Kumar told reporters that his team visited the now-locked site and will complete exact calculations of removed sand within two days. The department is preparing to issue notices to the warehouse management and is considering criminal charges. Officials are also investigating the roles of the former MPDO and mining officials who may have assisted in the illegal sand transportation.