Perni Jayasudha, wife of YSRCP leader Perni Nani, appeared at Bandar Taluka Police Station on Wednesday for questioning in a case involving missing ration rice. As the primary accused (A1) in the case, she arrived following court orders that granted her anticipatory bail while requiring her cooperation with the police investigation.
The questioning session became a focal point of attention as Jayasudha arrived in the Machilipatnam Mayor’s official vehicle, sparking controversy. She was accompanied by her lawyers, though police officials denied them entry during the interrogation conducted by CI Yesubabu.
The situation grew tense as Perni Nani supporters gathered at the police station, expressing displeasure over the duration of questioning. Their attempts to enter the interrogation room were prevented by police who maintained order throughout the proceedings. Perni Jayasudha’s legal team raised concerns about the extended questioning period, citing her health conditions.
The investigation took a notable turn the previous night when police visited Perni Nani’s residence to serve notices. Finding no one at home, they decided to attach the notices to the door. The use of an official government vehicle for appearing at a police investigation has now become a matter of public discussion and many feel that Perni Nani mocking AP Government.