Ashok Vallabhaneni acquired the Telugu theatrical rights of Rajinikanth’s Petta which is slated for January 10th release. During the pre-release event, Ashok made sensational comments on Allu Aravind, Dil Raju and UV Creations comparing them with dogs. He called them a mafia and revealed that they should be shot. Dil Raju and Bunny Vaas stepped out with responsibility and explained the situations despite of Ashok using foul language.
For the second time in a row Ashok targeted Dil Raju and Allu Aravind during a tv interaction. Ashok made unusual comments targeting the families of these top producers which did not go well with many. During a debate in tv9 studio, he said that all these producers will soon be slapped with slippers. Despite of several warnings, Ashok continued using un-parliamentary language and he was asked to walk out of tv9 studio. The host was frustrated with his words and asked Ashok to leave the studio from the live debate.
Before this, Bunny Vaas asked these filmmakers not to lose their patience and review the situations. Dil Raju reminded that the release dates of Telugu films have been announced six months ago.