Megastar Chiranjeevi wanted to celebrate Sankranthi with his entire family and all the Mega heroes took a break and flew down to the farmhouse of Chiranjeevi in Bengaluru. Powerstar Pawan Kalyan who is quite busy with his political engagements missed the celebration. Chiranjeevi posted a picture along with the entire family on his social media page. Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, Varun Tej, Sai Tej, Vaishnav Tej, Allu Sirish, Lavanya Tripathi along with Allu Aravind, Naga Babu and others were present. Upasana along with others posted some other clicks and videos from the celebrations. Pawan Kalyan’s children Akira and Aadhya were present and their clicks posted by Renu Desai are trending.
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