Ram Mohan of Uyyala Jampala has produced Pitta Goda starring Punarnavi Bhupalam and thirty other new artistes. Newcomer Anudeep is the director. Pitta Goda is a wall in the ground, if anyone goes to any part of the city to work, they would come and hang on the wall in Sangareddy for while and simply engage in a conversation. The director says, I also have a photo of myself sitting on the wall. Class ki mass ki madhya lo vunde vaalam, we were not the vagabond types. The colony people too enjoyed the company of our group. One day we wouldn’t go, people would ask endhira ee roju raledhu yevaru.” It is a two hour film about the life story of four youth, the hero’s love interest. There is no message as such. It is not an out and out Telangana film like the Karimnagar dialect..it falls somewhere in between. The slang is very informal and warm. It is releasing next month
NabhaNatesh Coolie Disco Performance