Superstar Mahesh Babu and top director Trivikram are far from controversies and politics. Trivikram penned some political punches in Pawan Kalyan’s last film BRO and they worked well. As per the update, his upcoming film Guntur Kaaram is expected to have a political touch and drama. The film revolves around Guntur politics and Ramya Krishna will be seen in a crucial role. Ramya Krishna is the Guntur Mayor Contestant in Guntur Kaaram and the film will have a political side. Mahesh Babu has several political punches in the film.
The episodes between Mahesh and Ramya Krishna are quite emotional. The promotions will kick-start once Mahesh Babu will be back from his Dubai vacation. Sree Leela and Meenakshi Chaudhary are the heroines and Thaman is the music director. Guntur Kaaram produced by Haarika and Hassine Creations is aimed for January 12th, 2024 release.