Actor Prabhas, who achieved global stardom after the release of India’s biggest motion picture, Baahubali, received an appreciation letter from the government of Kenya for his recent visit to the country’s renowned and largest county reserve, Maasai Mara.
Going into the details, Prabhas took Summer break from the shooting of Baahubali 2 to spend a vacation in Kenya along with his close friends. He stayed in Kenya for two weeks and visited Maasai Mara National reserve, which is the home for the Masai Lions, Leopards and many other wild animals. It is heard that Prabhas enjoyed his visit to the place and had a pleasant experience.
Having learnt about Prabhas’ visit to their country, the government of Kenya appreciated the actor through a letter. Through this letter, the government of Kenya requested Prabhas to revisit the place for his next films and assured complete support for shooting.