Imanvi, a new girl is making her debut beside Prabhas in his upcoming film to be directed by Hanu Raghavapudi. The film was launched in a grand manner this morning and the pictures of Prabhas with Imanvi made the headlines in no time. The pictures of the actress have been posted on the circles of social media and they are trending. Imanvi looked beautiful and simple in a saree during the launch of the film today. She was spotted smiling and she posed with Prabhas during the launch. The regular shoot of the film starts in a week.

Tentatively titled Fauji, the film is said to be a periodic drama set in the 1940s. The theme of the film as per the makers is “Not every historical event resonates with our emotions and thoughts, but this story is written by a warrior to bring justice to people of his Mother Land. This Historical fiction/ Alternate History set in the 1940’s is the tale of a warrior who rose from the shadows, emerging from a society that believed war was the only answer to the buried injustices and forgotten truths that history kept hidden from the world”. Mythri Movie Makers in association with T Series are the producers of this pan-Indian project.

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