The Telangana government under Congress Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has been coercing celebrities from different fields to create public awareness on various anti-social elements like drug abuse. He has already demanded the Telugu Film Industry to adopt a proactive approach and be a part of the initiative if it wants the government to grant additional benefits like ticket hikes and special shows.
Even during the recent meeting with Tollywood delegation in the wake of Allu Arjun’s issue, Revanth Reddy has reportedly once again asserted the government’s stance on the matter and reiterate his earlier demand again. Already stars like NTR and Allu Arjun took part in the initiative before the release of their films. They released videos and voiced their opinions on the menace.
Now, reigning pan-India superstar Prabhas has released a video byte today and appealed to everyone not to take drugs. “When there are so many ways to enjoy life and have entertainment, what is the need for drugs darlings ?”, questioned Prabhas in the video. “Are drugs necessary when we have our family and friends with us”, he asked. He appealed to inform the details of drug addicts to toll free number of government and asked to contribute towards the noble initiative for a drug free society.
It seems like many actors and artists will join the campaign as Revanth Reddy once again informed Tollywood bigwigs during the meeting to take an active part in such initiatives.
Prabhas didn’t attend the high-profile meeting with Revanth Reddy, but immediately responded for a good cause. He is currently busy shooting for films like The Raja Saab and Fauji. This year, he scored a blockbuster with Kalki 2898AD.