The upcoming film directed by SS Rajamouli, SSMB29, has been generating a lot of buzz. The movie, starring Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra, is currently in production. Recent reports suggested that Prithviraj Sukumaran has been replaced by John Abraham in the film. However, in a recent interview, Prithviraj has clarified that no decision has been finalized yet. He stated that there are still many things to be discussed, and once everything is settled, the situation will be clear. Earlier, Prithviraj was considered for the role, but the plans did not materialize. Now, John Abraham is expected to share the screen with Priyanka Chopra, with several scenes involving the two actors being filmed in Hyderabad.
The official pooja ceremony for SSMB29 was held recently, but the event was private, and the makers did not release any pictures or details from the occasion. Mahesh Babu is expected to join the sets of the film very soon and the next schedule of the film will take place in Kenya. The makers will make an announcement about the list of the cast and crew members soon. MM Keeravani is the music director and KL Narayana is the producer of this untitled forest adventure.